Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a
police officer on patrol? Ever asked yourself
how officers prepare for calls that lead into
unknown, sometimes dangerous situations?
Perhaps you’ve seen news footage or a video
and questioned an officer’s actions. Maybe you
have an interest in law enforcement, want some
questions answered, or would just like a “Behind
the badge view” of law enforcement. If any of
these apply, then the Citizen’s Police Academy
is for you.
The Precinct 5 Constable Citizens Police Academy
meets one night a week for 11 weeks and offers
a view of law enforcement and the criminal justice
system from the perspective of a deputy on patrol.
It consists of classroom instruction and hands-on
training exercises similar to that our deputies

We discuss topics such as patrol procedures, officer
safety and use of force. We explain legal concepts
such as probable cause, reasonable suspicion, and
detainment vs. arrest. You will get behind the
wheel of a modern day patrol vehicle on a closed
driving course, test your aim with the two most
common LE weapons, the Glock 9mm and AR-15
and so much more.
We are confident that by the end of the academy,
you will have a much more accurate picture of
law enforcement, one that may be very different
from the one you had going in, and it will be an experience you will never forget.
Class C5-1824 is set to begin on Tuesday, September 10th and run every Tuesday night thereafter for 10 weeks.
To be eligible to attend the Citizens Police Academy you must meet the following criteria.
- Must be 21 years of age or older.
- Must have a valid state issued DL or ID.
- Must not have been convicted of a crime, Class B or above within the past 3 years.
- Must not have a felony record.
- Must not have a current warrant for your arrest.
- Must not be a registered sex offender.
- Must submit to and pass a background check.
- Must agree to make every effort to attend each of the scheduled 11 sessions of the Academy.
If you have any questions regarding the application process or the academy itself, please contact:
Academy Administrator
Lieutenant Roy Guinn at Roy.Guinn@cn5.hctx.net (832) 927-6793
Academy Coordinator
Don Harvey at Donald.Harvey@cn5.hctx.net (832) 927-6829