Communications is responsible for answering all emergency and non-emergency calls that come into Precinct 5 and dispatching them to the deputies on the streets. Linked with the Greater Harris County 911 Network system, Communications is able to properly route and immediately dispatch these emergency calls much easier than was possible in the past. They are not only a lifeline for deputies, but often fill a similar role for callers who may be in distress.

At any given time there are, at minimum, two dispatchers in the communications center, a call taker and the dispatcher themselves. Calls are received and logged into the CAD system by the call taker. An incoming call instantly appears on the dispatcher’s screen and they put the information out for the assigned deputies. Dispatchers in the state of Texas must be certified through TCOLE (Texas Commission On Law Enforcement) just as peace officers are. They are required to have 20 hours of training annually to maintain their certification.
It's more than training, however, that makes a good dispatcher. They must be capable of remaining calm in stressful and chaotic situations. They have to be able to juggle multiple tasks, quickly gathering and disseminating information to multiple units while simultaneously watching over all calls for service. They are much more than a voice over the radio, they are true guardian angels.