Traffic enforcement can be a major concern for residents, as well as law enforcement. Precinct 5 deputies routinely run traffic to deter violations, however, at times it may become necessary to supplement these efforts.
The Precinct 5 speed trailer initiative is a tool used to accomplish just that. We will deploy a speed trailer to approved areas (see below) for one week, during daylight and early evening hours only. During this week, deputies may still make traffic stops and issue warnings or citations, however, in the days following the trailer's placement, Precinct 5 motorcycle units will be on location to focus on continued violations.
What is the criteria for a speed trailer's placement?
- Can only be placed within the boundaries of Precinct 5.
- Contracted patrol areas, and surrounding streets are given priority for placement.
- Cannot be placed on a highway or feeder road.
- Cannot be placed on a curve or otherwise obstructed to oncoming traffic for up to 300 feet. (Approx. a football field's length).
- Cannot be placed on private property.
- Cannot be placed in a moving lane of traffic, or any location that would cause a traffic hazard.
It happens all the time. A person gets pulled over for speeding and at some point will ask the deputy,"Don't you have something more important you should be doing?" The answer is "No."
Speeding drivers are extremely dangerous and are one of the most common causes for Texas car accidents. If drivers would slow down and obey the speed limits, many lives would be saved.
- Fatalities: Speeding is a factor in one out of every three accidents. In the United States, there are over 13,000 deaths every year due to speed-related accidents. That's an average of 36 deaths every single day.
- Economics: The annual cost of speed-related accidents in the United States is over 40 million dollars.
- Young Drivers: Around 40% of male drivers, between the ages of 15 and 20, who were involved in a fatal accidents were speeding at the time of the crash.