From the Constable
Law enforcement is a rewarding and challenging career. Commitment, responsibility, integrity, courage, and professionalism - these are just some of the qualities expected of those who wear a Precinct 5 badge. The Harris County Constable’s Office Precinct 5 is looking for individuals to join our ranks, but we aren’t looking for just anyone. We are looking for the highest caliber individuals. Those dedicated to upholding the laws of the State of Texas and serving the residents of Harris County with honor and integrity.
I'm Constable Ted Heap. If you're this type of individual and are seeking a career with one of the most respected law enforcement agencies in Texas, contact our recruiting division today.
Competitive Pay
Starting Salary ............................................. $54,556 Senior Deputy Salary .................................. $77,01
Licensing Incentive
Intermediate ................................................ $1,560 Advanced ....................................... .............. $3,420 Master ........................................................... $6,000
College Incentive
Associate’s Degree or 60 Hrs ...................... $1,320 Bachelor’s Degree ........................................ $3,180 Master’s Degree ........................................... $4,500 Doctorate ...................................................... $4,500
Additional Incentive
Bilingual ......................................................... $1,800 Field Training Officer .................................... $2,100 K-9 Handler .................................................... $2,400 Drug Recognition Expert .............................. $2,700 Accident Reconstructionist .......................... $2,700 Equipment Allowance ................................... $900
Salary and incentives are calculated on an annual basis. Salary commensurate with experience.
Benefits Package
- Medical, Dental, Vision Plans
- County Retirement Plan
- Optional Saving / Investment Plans
- Disability Coverage
- Life Insurance
- Paid Vacation / Holidays
- Paid Sick Leave
- TCOLE Certification Incentive Pay
- College Incentive Pay
- Longevity Pay
Minimum Requirements
- Must meet TCOLE licensing standards
- Must be a minimum of 21 years of age
- High School diploma or G.E.D.
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must have a valid Texas driver’s license and liability insurance
- Must pass a medical examination
- Eyesight must be correctable to 20/20, normal color perception and peripheral vision
- Normal audible range in both ears
- Must pass a psychological examination
- Must pass a polygraph examination
- Veterans must have honorable discharge
- Applicants must complete all phases of required testing
There are multiple paths to a career with Precinct 5. Find the one that best suits you below.
General Applicant
- Must have obtained a basic peace officer certification through TCOLE and meet the minimum requirements to apply.
Prior or Current Law Enforcement (Lateral)
Contact a Precinct 5 recruiter for more information.
Prior Military (Specific MOS)
Military Police and Special Operation Forces (SOF)
Army: Green Berets, Night Stalkers, Rangers
Navy: Seals SWCC
Military Police or Special Forces
In order to become licensed as a peace officer in Texas, you must meet the minimum standards for initial licensure (§217.1.) and complete the following steps:
Military Police
- Approval of the initial eligibility form;
- Successful completion of the Texas Supplemental Peace Officer course (1018) (instructions provided with eligibility approval);
- Successful completion of the TCOLE Rules Overview (1305) (instructions provided with eligibility approval);
- Approval of the exam application, and receive endorsement from TCOLE (exam application provided only when eligibility is approved);
- Passing of the state licensing examination; and
- Appointment by a law enforcement agency within two years from the date of your passed examination.
Special Forces:
- Approval of the initial eligibility form;
- Successful completion of the Special Forces Veterans Peace Officer Course (1030) (instructions provided with eligibility approval);
- Successful completion of the Texas Supplemental Peace Officer course (1018) (instructions provided with eligibility approval);
- Successful completion of the TCOLE Rules Overview (1305) (instructions provided with eligibility approval);
- Approval of the exam application, and receive endorsement from TCOLE (exam application provided only when eligibility is approved);
- Passing of the state licensing examination; and
- Appointment by a law enforcement agency within two years from the date of your passed examination.
TAP (Transition Assistance Program) and YRRP (Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program)
We are offering a prep course mini school to help those vets pass the test.
Precinct 5 Sponsored Cadet (Salaried)
- This basic peace officer certification is open to non-licensed individuals wishing to attend a TCOLE academy.
- Must be at least twenty years and six months (20.5) years of age by application date
- Must be on the candidate list by the announcement of a start date. No Exceptions
- Must successfully pass the physical abilities test
- There are no variations of testing procedures based on a candidate's age, gender, or physical condition.
Candidate List Eligibility Requirements
- Must be at least twenty years and six months (20.5) years of age by application date
- Valid Texas Driver's License and liability insurance
- Eyesight must be correctable to 20/20, normal color and peripheral vision
- Correctable normal audible range in both ears
- Must pass a thorough background check including polygraph
- Must be in the Candidate List by the date test invitations are sent once a start date is announced. No exceptions
- Must successfully pass the physical abilities test (PAT)
- Must pass a physical and psychological evaluation
There will be no variations of any testing procedures due to a candidate's gender, age, or physical condition
Dispatch / Clerks
Positions based upon availability.
Important Information
- The basic peace officer certification is open to both internal and external applicants.
- All cadet candidates must attend a physical ability test.
- If an applicant fails any part of the eligibility requirements, they will be dismissed from continuing with the process. Must wait 6 months to re-apply.
- Candidates that successfully complete the physically agility test, polygraph, medical and psychological evaluations, will be placed on an eligibility list.
- Final selection of cadets are chosen from this list.
- Candidates accepted into the program will be classified as a Precinct 5 Constable Cadet for the duration of the academy.
- Upon successful graduation the cadet will be sworn in as a probationary deputy and will be assigned to a Field Training Officer.
For more information or to speak with a recruiter contact us at:
832-927-6783 or