If one were to look through Jerry Foster's personnel file a glaring truth would become evident, Captain Foster had a sincere calling to help others.  Letter after grateful letter from those he personally helped stand as testament to this fact.  One such letter, written by a woman whose car had a flat tire while on the highway, explains how Captain Foster not only stopped to change the tire, but did so in the rain.  Many others expressed similar gratitude for Captain Foster's assistance in their unique situations.

It was this selfless dedication to the service of others, without regard for himself, that set Captain Foster on a course that would lead him to Beltway 8 and Highway 59 on October 19th, 1993.  While working to protect an accident scene from oncoming traffic, Captain Foster was struck by a motorist who attempted to drive around the other stopped vehicles.  Captain Foster was transported to Ben Taub Hospital where he fought for life for three days before he succumbed to his injuries.

Captain Foster had been employed with the Harris County Constable's Office for 23 years. He was survived by his wife, daughter, son, brother, and sister.

Jerry was the type of guy you wanted on your team, the leader you wanted to follow, and the guy you wanted backing you up when it all went south, as a colleague reflected.


Click here for Jerry Foster's Officer Down Memorial page.
Family, friends, and fellow officers remember...

From a letter written by his wife “BJ” Foster

Jerry was a man’s man.  His first love was his family. No matter how hard things got and how much he had to work, it was okay, and he made it okay for everyone else. There wasn’t much the man could not do. Skiing, both water and snow.  He loved snowmobiling. Jerry was an avid reader.  He read everything he could get his hands on, he was especially fond of Louis L'Amour novels.  He was the very best auto mechanic, bowler, Marine, computer person, and Police Officer, but most of all family man.

He was born at home here in Houston in 1939 and graduated from Stephen F. Austin.  While in school, his passion was bowling and autos.  He always had a hot car.  He stayed with bowling throughout his lifetime, winning many, many trophies and patches for perfect scores.

After graduation, he entered the Marine Corps.  He was hoping to go overseas, but he never left California.  This is where he started his career in computers and he followed in this when he came back to Houston after being honorably discharged from the Corps.

He became a founder, if you will, of computers and wrote programs in the COBOL language while working for Anderson-Clayton. In the early 70’s, he entered the Houston Police Academy and began his career with HPD.  On his off time, he continued to work with computers and programing.

In 1975, Jerry and I were married.  Jerry’s whole life was family, his kids, mom and dad, aunts, uncles, and brothers and sisters. In 1977, we moved to Hobart, Oklahoma, where Jerry became Chief of Police.  We had an auto repair garage and Jerry was always working on vehicles along with my son Eric.

Jerry was the top mechanic of a race team that won many trophies in Oklahoma.  At least once a week we had to run to the emergency room.  When I called ahead the doctor would ask, “Which one is it now, Jerry or Eric?”  One or the other always needed stiches.

In 1985, we moved back to Houston and started with Harris County Constable Pct. 5 till the day he died.  The year before we moved back to Houston, Jerry kept saying, “I want to go home”, meaning Houston, so we did.  We did what “daddy” wanted because he always had our best interest at heart.

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