This program is a 2 night course (back to back ) consisting of 3 one hr blocks of instruction each night.  It is a comprehensive and empowering course designed to equip women with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to protect themselves in a variety of situations. This course is tailored specifically to address the unique needs and challenges that women may encounter in their daily lives.

Throughout the course, participants will engage in a dynamic learning environment led by experienced instructors who are passionate about women's safety. The program combines theoretical instruction with hands-on training, creating a well-rounded educational experience. The curriculum covers various aspects of personal safety, self-defense techniques, and strategies to enhance situational awareness.

Key components of the course include:

  1. Situational Awareness: Developing strong situational awareness is crucial for personal safety. The course will teach participants how to assess their surroundings, recognize potential dangers, and make informed decisions to avoid or de-escalate risky situations. By cultivating heightened awareness, women can proactively safeguard themselves from harm.
  2. Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Skills: Effective communication can often diffuse a potentially dangerous situation. This course will focus on teaching women how to assertively communicate boundaries, use confident body language, and project a strong presence when faced with a threat. Learning to communicate assertively can help de-escalate conflicts and discourage potential attackers.
  3. Mental and Emotional Preparedness: Confidence and mental resilience are vital components of personal defense. The course will provide strategies and exercises to develop mental fortitude, enabling women to overcome fear and act decisively in stressful situations. Participants will also learn about the psychological aspects of self-defense, understanding the mindset of attackers and how to counter their tactics.
  4. Risk Assessment and Prevention Strategies: This course emphasizes proactive risk assessment and prevention techniques. Participants will gain insights into identifying potential vulnerabilities in their daily routines and implementing effective safety measures, such as securing their homes, utilizing technology, and practicing responsible social media behavior.
  5. Self-Defense Techniques: Participants will learn practical and effective self-defense techniques that are specifically designed to capitalize on a woman's strength, agility, and intuition. These techniques emphasize leverage, timing, and precise targeting to enable women to defend themselves against potential threats.
  6. Simulated Scenarios and Practical Application: The second night of the course includes realistic scenarios and practical exercises to reinforce the acquired skills and enhance muscle memory. By engaging in simulated situations, participants will practice their techniques in a controlled environment, boosting their confidence and ability to respond instinctively.

The course is designed to create a supportive and encouraging environment where women can come together, share experiences, and build a strong network of empowered individuals. This course aims to foster a sense of empowerment, allowing women to reclaim their personal safety and navigate the world with confidence.

Note: Due to limited available spaces and demand we ask each person who has registered for the class to make every effort to attend both nights.

The July 24th and 25th class is at capacity and registration is closed.  Follow us on Facebook for the announcement of our next class in August.

Modified Course containing additional information.

On occasion the women's personal safety and self defense course will include a highlighted section focusing on women headed to college and the dating scene.  This is additional information added to the class and will be announced at the time of registration for the special session.

Heading off to college is one of the most exciting times in a young adult’s life.  It can also be one of the most daunting ones.  It’s the transitional step from childhood to adulthood, the first time away from family and friends, and it can seem a bit overwhelming at times, especially for young women.

Taught by law enforcement veterans, women who participate in this modified self defense course will learn how to identify and avoid dangers specific to the college and dating scene, and how to use practical and effective self-defense measures if they find themselves in danger.



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