Precinct 5 is committed to bringing the best community programs available to residents, businesses churches, schools, and other organizations.  Below is a list of available programs and a brief description of each.  For more information, or to schedule a class or program contact:
Lieutenant R. Guinn at  or 832-927-6793
Donald Harvey at or 832-927-6829

Children Programs

Stranger Danger / Hero Read (30-45min)
Brings a deputy to your child's daycare, pre school, or school, to discuss practical and easy to remember tips that help young children deal with multiple situations. Who is a stranger?  How are strangers avoided?  What to do if lost from a parent?  Stranger Danger answers these and many more questions.  A popular addition to Stranger Danger is Hero Read where a deputy reads a story to the children.  Special programs can be set up for certain groups such as home schools, neighborhoods, etc.

Bicycle Safety Course (3 hrs.)
For children and young teens the Bicycle Safety Course is a multi stage event that teaches the basics of riding safety.  There is no age limit however participants must be able to ride a bicycle with or without training wheels.  This program is conducted in coordination with local community centers, day car centers, or elementary schools.  (Each child must have their own bike.)

Scouting Assistance Program (Varies)
Helping all scouting organizations with specific badge achievements, or providing programs relating to civic responsibility.

Teen Programs


Teen Police Academy (1-3 hrs. x 6 sessions)
A scaled down version of the popular adult Citizens Police Academy, the Teen Academy offers a behind the badge look at law enforcement to high school age teens 14-19.  This program is conducted one day a week for 6 weeks and is held within one of the local high schools.  Precinct 5 runs one Teen Academy during the summer break for the general public. (To have the Teen Academy conducted at your teen's high school, encourage someone from the faculty to contact us today.)

New Driver Training (3 hrs.)
Open to new drivers both male and female.  Navigating heavy traffic, motor vehicle accidents, road rage incidents, mechanical breakdowns, these are just some of the problems that come along with driving.  The New Driver Training provides practical answers to these problems and others.  Where is the safest place to be if you break down on a highway?  What should you do during a traffic stop?  What are your rights regarding towed vehicles?  Invaluable information that all drivers, new and old alike, should have.  This program is available to high schools wishing to conduct a driver awareness and safety workshop.

Adult Programs

Citizens Police Academy (3 hrs. x 11 nights spread over 11 weeks)
Now in it's seventh year, the Precinct 5 Citizen's Police Academy has become one of the staples, and most sought after programs offered by the Community Relations Division.  Consisting of one night a week for 11 weeks, the CPA offers participants ages 21 and up an up close, candid look into the world of law enforcement that promises to deliver an eye widening experience.  For more information click here.

Women's Self Defense (3 hrs. x 2 nights)
The women's self defense classes is open to women of all ages.  This 2 night program begins with awareness and avoidance, and moves through to hands-on defense techniques.  For more information click here.

Civilian Response to an Active Shooter Event (1.5 hrs.)
Open to men and women ages 18 and up.  Active shooter events have become all too common across the country.  They are unpredictable and evolve quickly.  Knowing how to properly respond to an active shooter can be the difference between life and death.  Civilian response training is based on the Avoid, Deny, Defend model as taught by ALERRT (Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training) All instructors are certified as CRASE instructors.  For more information click here.

Building, Facility and Home Inspections (Time depends on size of facility)
A comprehensive assessment of businesses, facilities, and homes focusing on increasing safety and security.

Personal Safety Awareness and Self Defense Course (2hrs)
Open to men and women ages 18 and up.  This is a critical awareness and reactionary course that offers practical tactics and techniques to use to deal with dangerous situations at home or when in public.  From detection of danger as it develops to dealing with it directly, this course is built to enhance anyone's personal safety.

Internet and Social Media Dangers (1 hr.)
Today's cell phones, I-pads, and laptops, have more computing power than NASA had when they sent a man to the moon.  They open doors, good and bad, to the entire world.  They can provide a wealth of opportunities and knowledge, or dangerous pitfalls that threaten our security, personal safety, and in some cases our very lives.  The average age for a child to receive a cell phone is 11 years old.  The Internet and Social Media Dangers class gives parents the knowledge and tools required to help make the best internet decisions for themselves and their children.

Identity Theft and Fraud Awareness (1 hr.)
Almost half of Americans (47%) fall victim to fraud and identity thefts every year.   A phone call or email is received, detailing a once in a lifetime opportunity, a problem with a credit card or banking account, or perhaps more concerning, a sudden problem regarding a loved one.  Phishing scams are as numerous as they are different and can be extremely convincing to an untrained eye or ear.  The information provided in the ID Theft and Fraud Awareness class is one of the best ways to protect yourself from these criminals.

Neighborhood Programs

Neighborhood Watch Program (1 hr.)
Not to be confused with a Citizen’s on Patrol Program this course instructs neighborhoods in how to help local law enforcement better protect their neighborhoods without adding any extra duties to their busy schedules.

Home Owner Association Support (Varies)
With certain limitations, dependent upon demand and the current needs of the department, Pct. 5 can attend local HOA meetings to provide information regarding current crime trends, critical news and information, provide various programs or classes and more.

Community Programs
Precinct 5 supports a great number of community events, both annually and one time events.  Some of these include the Katy Area Safety Fest, The Tunnel to Towers Run, Walk Like Madd, Tip-A-Cop for Special Olympics, and many others.  To find out how Precinct 5 can support you event contact community relations today.

Public Speaker
Need a keynote speaker for an event, corporate meeting, luncheon, or other gathering?  Contact Precinct 5 Community Relations to find out how to schedule someone for your next event.

Lieutenant R. Guinn at  or 832-927-6793
Donald Harvey at or 832-927-6829

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